A long time ago somebody pointed me out an error in this page, and I must say I was clueless about it when I made this page, very influenced by movies and all that.
Well, I’ve been told that it’s very difficult to break a window in one of these buildings, I mean the glass should be very thick and resistant for obvious reasons, well it’s too late to correct this page, but every time I see it I remember about this detail.
Derideal Legacy
Chapter 2 - W.A.L.LY-80
A long time ago somebody pointed me out an error in this page, and I must say I was clueless about it when I made this page, very influenced by movies and all that.
Well, I’ve been told that it’s very difficult to break a window in one of these buildings, I mean the glass should be very thick and resistant for obvious reasons, well it’s too late to correct this page, but every time I see it I remember about this detail.