It makes you wonder how Alpha will interpret this dream of past memories distorted by brain damage and pain?
Somehow, I doubt the new programing method would work well with how his heal factor effects his brain. And using guilt can get you only so far if they keep treating him the way they are now.
With the way he’s taking out humans, he’s probably gone past the abilities of a human F.O.E. soldier at this point.
As been shown on last page of previous chapter, Laura most likely isn’t designed as a combatant in first place. I wonder if that machine is to wake her psionic potential? And unlike Susu from spin-off series, without implants and loss of eyesight (yet). Then again we saw that there are companion xenos, and well… NSFW xenos… (Or pretty much both) Gah! This is still totally FUBAR!
At least it seems Alpha might be starting to remember some things, if these dreams are anything to go by(though he still needs to fit the pieces together correctly).
There was another machine from one of the spin-off series as well that hasn’t shown up here yet. It looked like it was a device that was meant to torture the victim either to death, or until they can’t resist it anymore and pass out.
17-The Phantom pain
This episode was originally made a long time ago, back when I was still drawing part 2 of the story. But with the remake and the way the story progressed, I decided to remake it too… it was originally just called “the dream” since it’s based off the original dream-like episode derideal first had.