Even though someone says you failed and it’s too late to commit yourself as a person,but to force to commit yourself as a slave,but when they set a rule,rules can meant to be broken in any cost of matter,Whatever you fight and killed for their own deeds of no-goods,but you should not forget your promise and even though the dreams are haunting you with your emotions,just when somebody mangled your mind,you might always take it all back,even though at all of the painful of phantom,but Hope……Against all odds,no matter what,they may took you everything you got for them and let… Read more »
I think I’m starting to puzzle together, roughly, how this machine works and, effectively, brainwashes obedience into the victim. First they’re forced to relive their fears and whatever else will weaken them ment. Then it mixes in a new, fake, memory of Wally that preys on their mind at its most vulnerable state to implant the absolute control Wally wants; while also locking in the helplessness and fear to maintain control. While it seems to have worked on Laura, I think it’s just triggered a bomb by the name of Aden. Of course, we also don’t know how well it’s… Read more »
Yes,you’re Right,Wally did Work his own machine well,it give a unforgettable and nauseating suffer that once the victim was brainwashing to obedience to comply,they will never,ever be forgotten,using their fear to against their true will,they confused their neural structure to comply their will,or as Wally would prefer,”purify and reconstruct their mind into the perfection”,this might exactly what Wally is desperate for,a god-like absolute control in order to gain a “contribution that ‘proud’ to humanity” as well as for Leading Consortium to “a better future for all mankind”,but only lead to a another revolt,just like what mankind’s history did,the Xenos will… Read more »
17-The Phantom pain
This episode was originally made a long time ago, back when I was still drawing part 2 of the story. But with the remake and the way the story progressed, I decided to remake it too… it was originally just called “the dream” since it’s based off the original dream-like episode derideal first had.