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Daniel is about to experience how it would feel to drop on a working chainsaw with his face.
See, this wouldn’t happen if The Concortium used sponsor of today’s episode: NordVPN (Not sponsored, just a joke)
RIP Daniel’s face.
Not gonna lie…ge kinda deserves whatever Alpga does to him.
Face carved like a Halloween pumpkin? Well…
He was complacent in hurting the xenos. Karma tends to be a bitch when she comes for you.
And I bet that ‘medicine’ was drugs so they could restrain Alpha and give his brain another good cleaning for him.
he was also the only one there that cared at least a little for the xenos.
14-La Culpa
Estos son los episodios totalmente nuevos de Derideal! o «Derideal parte 3»
¡Derideal ahora actualiza Lunes y Miércoles!
si les gustan mis comics, pueden ayudarme a continuar con el proyecto uniendose a mi Patreon