Derideal Webcomics – Actualizaciones semanales! - ¡Cómics de acción y ciencia ficción con personajes antropomorfos!






16-Bajo la Lluvia

Aquí comienza el episodio «Bajo la Lluvia», este es un episodio muy importante, ¡recuerden seguir la historia todas la semanas!

Derideal actualiza Lunes y Miércoles!

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Sin of Avarice
Sin of Avarice
3 months ago

I hope his legacy ends up just being nothing more than describing how much of a monster Wally is.

He doesn’t deserve to remembered for anything else at this point for anything but for being a criminal with too much power…though the Consortium needs to actually fall first(as we know it eventually does).

Felix the Manul
Felix the Manul
3 months ago
Reply to  Sin of Avarice

Then again, future xenos know bugger all about humans. So, that won’t matter.

Sin of Avarice
Sin of Avarice
3 months ago

Very true, and some of them seem to want their human masters back.

Or they simply aren’t aware/are in extreme denial, of what past Xenos went through before eventually getting freed.

Sin of Avarice
Sin of Avarice
3 months ago
Reply to  Sin of Avarice

Edit(site won’t let me edit my posts on mobile):

Unless Wally is going to start using this mental manipulation tech on fellow humans and believes people will sing his praise as almost all of humanity is reduced to mindless slaves of the Consortium.

We know they want easily deployed workers, but they never actually said they HAD to be Xeno workers…and human workers are, arguably, even cheaper to mass create. Don’t need machines for production. Just a bunch of mindless slaves whose sole existence is breeding more fodder for the Consortium’s use.

Sin of Avarice
Sin of Avarice
3 months ago
Reply to  Sin of Avarice

One more edit

And is it just me…or does it look like Wally is missing an important development between Berit and Laura behind his back? I swear in one monitor it looks like Berit’s got a hand on her head while holding the helmet with the other.

That smells of regret/realization to me if I’m seeing that correctly.

3 months ago

Why am I getting the impression that when he says «control and obedience» he’s talking about Berit?

3 months ago

The way he says «control and obedience» and with his outlook of the city earlier on, has me thinking he isn’t just talking about the xenoes.

Sin of Avarice
Sin of Avarice
3 months ago
Reply to  Joshofspam

And that machibe used on Laura was clearly designed for something much bigger to be on it…say…a human.

Just has to make sure the Consortium has absolute control and they can secretly brainfry anyone who dares act out against the regime under the guise of «re-education». If the population is too afraid to stand up, then no one will do anything when people start turning up as mindless, drooling zombies that are now completely loyal to the Consortium.

Control and Obedience.
