I know that rodent xenos are mostly on engineering duties, but I can see benefits of them also being in pilot/driver positions due to their compact size and good reaction. I mean inside of vehicles available space is limited. You can fill what was occupied by human pilot before with additional stuff like ammunition or cargo. Practicality and efficiency.
Now that he’s seen how well his machine works on Xenos, he’ll be eager to begin the next phase: Will it work on humans?
With how evil Wally is being shown to be, it wouldn’t suprise me if he’s got a stockpile of human children hidden away with only his most trusted personal even knowing about them.
All the more reason to assume he has human children locked up somewhere, possibly already mentally destroyed by the machine, so he switched to Xenos to perfect it before going back to attempting to condition humans to mindlessly obey against their will; and definitely looks like Laura isn’t exactly willingly prostrating herself before him.
And I have to wonder how Berit is going respond to seeing Laura doing this…the order to kneel is definitely a rather large red flag for anyone with a sense of morals left; especially if they’re also seeing the look on Wally’s face.
16-Bajo la Lluvia
«Bajo la Lluvia», este es un episodio muy importante, ¡recuerden seguir la historia todas la semanas!
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