Huh, that certainly is a big room to contain her in. Bigger than anything Alpha and Ivory were contained in. Though also a bit vacant when you consider how little is in that room.
Also, it looks like either Laura is still a bit shellshocked by her empierce in the device or is now in deep thought about what she was forced to dream about.
I have to wonder if she has any memories of Aden left? If so, those memories could be acting as a mental floatation device in a turbulent sea threatening to pull her under.
One last bastion of hope in a raging sea of despair.
Either was Alpha needs to get his furry butt in gear soon if he wants to save Laura.
16-Bajo la Lluvia
Aquí comienza el episodio «Bajo la Lluvia», este es un episodio muy importante, ¡recuerden seguir la historia todas la semanas!
Derideal actualiza Lunes y Miércoles!
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