But all they’ve been shown doing is messing with her memories? How is messed up memories resulting in a her suddenly being unable to resist commands?
Unless things are being done off frame again and the readers are just expected to know these things.
As much as I love this web comic, the plot holes are getting bigger by the page.
I don’t think it’s a plot hole. I mean, it’s an experimental technology to begin with and its explicitly stated goal is total control. Considering that its first use (that we saw) was reconstituting Aden’s brain from a hamburger-like state, it stands to reason that it does more than just implant false memories. Frankly, a lot of things are probably much easier to do than technologically implant a detailed false memory with all the sensory details involved. (Admittedly, false memories aren’t *that* hard to do through more traditional brainwashing techniques; see also, gaslighting. Which the Consortium also does a lot.)… Read more »
My read on CWally is that there’s no length he wouldn’t go to on principle if he thought (a) it would achieve his goals and (b) he could get away with it. It’s just that neither of these things seems to be the case right now. Probably wouldn’t even cross his mind. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelings or respect for anyone else or that he’d hurt someone without reason. Which, if you ask me, is much more interesting than someone who would just screw over anyone anytime. Who knows? Maybe even he doesn’t know what lines he’d… Read more »
Interesting, I wonder if this kind of conditioning might have gradual bad effects on a xeno as they get older?
I’ve guessed that time and experiences might have a gradual effect on the conditioning. Like giving a xeno to a sadistic owner might eventually override the programing and trigger a flight or fight reaction. But that order Berit gave seemed to have left an impression on Laura on its own.
16-Bajo la Lluvia
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